Animate On Scroll.

Animate On Scroll.
Animate On Scroll.
Most of our clients engage Aster Lee for project management and construction work. This is usually for a fixed sum and duration, although provisional allowances are often included when design details are still to be finalised.
We are a compact team, set up to focus on a small number of clients at one time. Projects are delivered by an internal core team of excellent tradespeople, as well as a group of trusted specialist sub-contractors. This approach ensures that we can assemble the best team for each job without compromise.
We are a compact team, set up to focus on a small number of clients at one time. Projects are delivered by an internal core team of excellent tradespeople, as well as a group of trusted specialist sub-contractors. This approach ensures that we can assemble the best team for each job without compromise.
Animate On Scroll.

Animate On Scroll.
Aster Lee LtdBloxham Mill, Barford RoadBloxhamBanburyOxfordshireOX15 4FF |
Telephone 01295 722838 |
Website © Aster Lee Ltd 2022Website Design & Photography Joel McDermott